sar (Linux)

(in Linux)

-q : Report queue length and load averages
-b : Report I/O and transfer rate statistics.
-B : Report paging statistics.

-s : start time (hh:mm:ss)
-e : end time (hh:mm:ss)
  1. CPU Usage of ALL CPUs (sar -u)

  2. CPU Usage of Individual CPU or Core (sar -P)

  3. Memory Free and Used (sar -r)

  4. Swap Space Used (sar -S)

  5. Overall I/O Activities (sar -b)

  6. Individual Block Device I/O Activities (sar -d)

  7. Display context switch per second (sar -w)

  8. Reports run queue and load average (sar -q)

  9. Report network statistics (sar -n)


 sar [-q|-p|] -f /var/log/sa/sa[day]  -i [interval in seconds]

 sar -q -f /var/log/sa/sa11  -i 3600


Utilities part of Sysstat

Following are the other sysstat utilities.